
11 Apr 2017

Creating an R package

…a not too comprehensive step by step guide…

R packages – why it is useful to create one…

(non-exhaustive, personally biased [of course] list):

  1. to easily share your code in a "out of the box" format
  2. to force yourself to abstract the ideas of your analysis
  3. to force yourself to document
  4. to learn to be a better (i.e. less trial-and-errorish) coder by writing your analysis in function-like statements


  1. create folder with the name of the package: MyPackage [or use =devtools::create("MyPackage")=to automatically add a bare-bones description file /in an empty folder/]
  2. create in this directory another directory called R
  3. put the R-code files into this directory
  4. within the MyPackage folder create a file named DESCRIPTION with the following (or similar) content:
Package: MyPackage
Version: 0.1
Date: 2017-04-11
Title: My very own package
Description: An R package for something interesting and/or important. etc.
 Me <me@mymail.eu>,
Maintainer: Me again <me@mymail.eu>
License: GPL-3
  1. [/OPTIONAL/ when Roxygen2=is used, see next point]\\ Create a =NAMESPACE file with the following, minimal content:
# Export all names
  1. Create the documentation;
    first create in the a subdirectory called man in the package directory. In this folder *.Rd* files for each function are stored in a LaTeX-like format. Since this can be difficult or you might forget to create some files, there is the Roxygen2 package that takes care of creating the *.Rd* files and that forces you the write the documentation of the code directly within the R-code files; besides Roxygen2 creates the NAMESPACE automatically
  2. each function argument gets is documented like this:
    #' @param argument_name description of the argument
  3. the return value of the function is documented using:
    #' @return something important for A2
  4. examples are documented with:
    #' @examples x <- 1
  5. The @export line at the end tells Roxygen2 to add the function to the NAMESPACE file:
    #' @export myfunction
  6. Finally create the documentation using devtools::document() [in case you are within R and within the package directory] [emacs ess shortcut =C-c C-w d=]
  7. build the package: devtools::build()
  8. install the package: devtools::install() [emacs ess shortcut =C-c C-w i=]
  9. and check: devtools::check() [emacs ess shortcut =C-c C-w c=]

other things

to create the pdf manual run: R CMD Rd2pdf MyPackage

you can also use the package.skeleton(name"PACKAGENAME", codefiles="CODEFILE.R")= command to create the necessary folders/files/etc. for the package. Building and installing is done as described above.


other probably interesting resources

Tags: rstats tutorial