
Some command line magic

11 Sep 2020

Suppose you want to remove some files spread across your computer that share the same name. In my case, these were files called TAGS. Two things are required:

Tags: fd terminal pipe

a new blog

28 Aug 2020

Having a website (in the sense of url, domain, etc.) and actually having a website (in the sense of distributing content) are two rather different things. In my case, what stops after I just get started was the fact that the setup etc. was simple (see my attempt on here) but there were just to many options hack around…and it was mostly bloated. Long story short: I create a webpage from scratch (thanks mostly to w3schools.com) to showcase what I did thus far (aka CV) and to have a place to (finally) share snippets of anything I find useful via a blog. And this is of course written in and driven by Emacs, Org, and the pretty nice org-static-blog by bastibe that may eventually help me getting started with (e)lisp as well.

Tags: emacs git orgmode

Stop tracking of already tracked files

14 Jul 2019

Why? One scenario: you write on a paper using LaTeX, compile the document, git add ., git commit -m "created pdf", git push, and then you recognize that all the files you are not interested in, i.e. basically all besides the .tex file are tracked…

Tags: git

In case of... (useful git snippets)

25 Jan 2019

Why? One scenario: you write on a paper using LaTeX, compile the document, git add ., git commit -m "created pdf", git push, and then you recognize that all the files you are not interested in, i.e. basically all besides the .tex file are tracked…

Tags: git

LaTeX Turkisch characters

11 Jan 2019

This is mostly a copy of this blog post that will be enhanced, as soon as I learn more about the Turkish language.

Tags: LaTeX
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